Legal Notice

Schwan-STABILO Cosmetics GmbH & Co. KG

Schwanweg 1
90562 Heroldsberg

Phone +49 911 567-0
Fax +49 911 567-4444

The Company is a limited partnership with a limited liability company (GmbH) as general partner with registered Office in Heroldsberg, Registration Court Fürth HR A 6600.
General Partner is the Schwan-STABILO Cosmetics Verwaltungs GmbH with registered Office in Heroldsberg, Registration Court Fürth HR B 10012.
Managing Director: Tomás Espinosa

Insofar as this website comprises journalistic-editorial content in which, completely or partially, the content of periodic print media is reproduced in text or image, or in which texts are distributed at periodic intervals, the person responsible according to § 5 section 1 German DDG [Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz] is: Thomas Krasser.
Here you can see our General Terms and Conditions.