We build alliances and partnerships with companies and organizations that share our commitment. With cooperation we create a synergy effect that is bigger than what we could do on our own.

ROUNDTABLE ON SUSTAINABLE PALM OIL (RSPO) Schwan Cosmetics is a founding member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, a non-profit organization that brings together stakeholders from the seven sectors of the palm oil industry. Check out our progress at

The RESPONSIBLE MICA INITIATIVE (RMI) is a global coalition for action – putting policy into practice – comprised of multiple organizations committed to establishing a fair, responsible and sustainable mica supply chain in the states of Jharkhand and Bihar in India that will eliminate unacceptable working conditions and eradicate child labor by 2022.
Schwan Cosmetics has been one of its founding members since 2016.

September 2018 Schwan Cosmetics joined SPICE (SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING INITIATIVE FOR COSMETICS) as a corporate member. By participating in this initiative, Schwan Cosmetics confirms its commitment to sustainable development. Our common goal is to organize uniform packaging guidelines, direct packaging innovations, and make the current ecological account balance of products transparent for consumers.
One of the latest achievements of SPICE is to present a publicly available ecodesign tool to measure and reduce the environmental footprint of cosmetics packaging.

GRI (GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE) is an independent international organization that has pioneered sustainability reporting since 1997.
Company reporting is an instrumental part of benchmarking and transparency. We are proud to publish our first Global Reporting Initiative based corporate sustainability report and, to fulfil our commitments, we will continue to annually produce and publish a corporate social responsibility (CSR) report updating on our progress and our improvement opportunities.
Please review the GRI website to learn more about GRI-CSR reporting standard.

EcoVadis has been evaluating our CSR activities since 2014
We are audited annually by the international assessment platform EcoVadis in the areas of the environment, social affairs, ethics, and the supply chain. We use EcoVadis to identify potential for optimization in all of our CSR activities and implement them accordingly. We share the results with our customers.

Signing of the Social Charter
By signing the Social Charter, the Schwan-STABILO Group publicly commits itself to its social and ethical responsibility. In our Social Charter, we undertake to comply with the basic principles and core labor standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in all of our manufacturing and distribution companies worldwide.

Voluntary social audits
In order to guarantee that our products are manufactured under safe working conditions, with fair payment and in compliance to fundamental human rights, we undergo regular audits on a voluntary basis. As part of the SMETA social audit, the auditors of an independent institute examine working conditions, occupational safety, hygiene, and environmental management at our production sites.

Sustainability goes beyond our own actions
We also apply the corporate social responsibility standards we set for ourselves to our suppliers throughout the world by involving them in our CSR strategy. We have formulated a Code of Practice for our suppliers, which is integrated into our supplier evaluation system, in order to actively work with them on the different areas of sustainability.